Magic with Meta Tags and SEO

First, do not let that fool you, meta tags are no "magic bullet" that will trigger your site to the top of every page listings search. It is a tool to help you improve your ranking on search engines that use them. Use with marketing strategies to get more page views.

Another thing to remember: most search engines look at the body text on your pages, and the title of the page. They take this information as more important than any meta tags. Therefore, make sure to always have a relevant

This attribute will always be in a meta tag well formed. Provides information on the value in the name / value pair. It can be any valid string, to be enclosed in quotes.

This is part of the name in the name-value pair. You can use any name you want or that may be of use to you. Some common names are:

* Keywords - words that identify what the page is about, usually used in the search engines

* Description - A brief description of the page

* Author - author's name and possibly email address

* robots - to allow or disallow robots indexing

* Copyright - the copyright date of the page

This attribute is also a name for the name / value pair, but is used by the server that includes the name / value in the MIME document header passed to the Web browser before sending the actual HTML document. Some common types are http-equiv:

* Francisco Javier - defines the character set used in the page

* Expires - when the document is out of date

Refresh * - sets the number of seconds to refresh the page or load a new page
Refresh the page every 10 seconds:

Upgrade to a new page after 10 seconds:

Using a meta tag
Meta tags are included in an HTML document. If you are using meta tags to improve its position in search engines, then you should focus on the description and keywords.

The description tag
Use the description tag to describe what the page is about. Engines that use it will provide the content of this tag when displaying a list of links. For example, if you do a search on, you will see the description in the search results page.

Keywords cloud
Keywords help search engines rank your site, and allow people to find your pages faster. However, most search engines have limits as to how many are meta keywords. It's a good idea to review your keywords and make sure they are as concise and specific as possible.
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