Domestic handset maker Micromax today launched a 10.1-inch tablet PC priced at Rs 9,999. "We launched our 7-inch device in April as well as sold 1.4 lakh devices in just 100 days. We are trustful that the actual new 10.1-inch tab will as well as do well," Micromax CEO Deepak Mehrotra told reporters here.
The company will launch two more 7-inch tabs in this month to offer a slew of choices to the consumer, he added.
The FunBook Pro is powered by a 1.2 Ghz processor and has a 0.3 MP front camera.
Micromax is also expanding its smartphone portfolio with the launch of four new devices.
"The idea is to offer customers choice. We have products across categories and price points and that will help us grow our position further in the Indian market," he said.
Earlier this week, with the launch of its new tablet, unveiled in the United States, Samsung Electronics wants to build on the popularity of its Note 'phablet', and expects key features such as a stylus-type pen and split-screen function to stand the new device apart from rival Apple Inc's iPad.
The Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet which was launched on Thursday in the United States, Britain and South Korea, and has picked up positive early reviews from tech bloggers impressed with the S-Pen's writing and sketching performance and the tablet's ability to have two apps active on a split-screen.
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The company will launch two more 7-inch tabs in this month to offer a slew of choices to the consumer, he added.
The FunBook Pro is powered by a 1.2 Ghz processor and has a 0.3 MP front camera.
Micromax is also expanding its smartphone portfolio with the launch of four new devices.
"The idea is to offer customers choice. We have products across categories and price points and that will help us grow our position further in the Indian market," he said.
Earlier this week, with the launch of its new tablet, unveiled in the United States, Samsung Electronics wants to build on the popularity of its Note 'phablet', and expects key features such as a stylus-type pen and split-screen function to stand the new device apart from rival Apple Inc's iPad.
The Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet which was launched on Thursday in the United States, Britain and South Korea, and has picked up positive early reviews from tech bloggers impressed with the S-Pen's writing and sketching performance and the tablet's ability to have two apps active on a split-screen.
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